AZR Technologies is a Palestinian start-up founded at 2017, as an Electromechanical systems provider, that produces biomedical devices, then started providing several products and services./p>
AZR Makes The Ideas Real.
web and End-to-end mobile application development for consumer-facing and corporate environments, develop smart app for Android and IOS.
Control Your Elevators Easily Try Our Devices and Apps.
Enjoy best-in-class social presence & personal branding. Boost results by becoming an influencer & by pitching hundreds of communities
* Electro-Mechanical solutions.
* KNX System for smart home.
* Delta controls partner in BMS (Building management system).
* Intelligent microprocessors.
* IoT system solutions.seddi do eiusmod brrtde mpor in didunt utlae ore etioe.Lorem ips new idolor sit.