
android and hardware

Over 4 billion have mobile phones, of the 7 billion people in the world. Texting has become the dominant form of communication. On the Average, Americans spend 2.7 hours per day communicating and socializing on their phones, and even more time looking down at their mobile devices for web searching and so many other uses. While 75% of the world's population spends hours daily hunched over their handheld devices with their heads flexed forward, they are all in constant danger and at risk of developing Text Neck. The frequent forward flexion causes changes in the cervical spine, curve, supporting ligaments, tendons, and musculature, as well as the bony segments, commonly causing postural change. Among the chief complaints associated with Text Neck are pain felt in the neck, shoulder, back, arm, fingers, hands, wrists and elbows, as well as headaches and numbness and tingling of the upper extremities. A small device that keeps the neck in healthy state, when using the computers or the smart phones. This device is too small 3cm*4cm and can be smaller, connected with the used computer or the smart phone by special application.

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